Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Best Way to cure headache

A description of how to identify the types of headache one is having and the best way to get rid of the headache.
Headache has many types such as
  • Tension headache
  • Cluster headache
  • Migraine headache
  • Sinus headache etc.

To find the best way to cure your headache the most important thing is to know what type of headache you have. Let it be very clear that to identify the type of your headache you not need to be a doctor or a medical specialist etc. All you have to do is to just give a moment or two to identify your symptoms and you will come to know how to get rid of it.
Tension Headache:
If you feel a gradually starting mild to moderate pain which feels like a squeezing pressure against your head and the cause of your headache seems to be some stress, eye strain, hunger, dehydration or other similar reasons then the headache you are having is “Tension Headache”. It is the most common type of headache and has no serious consequences. To cure tension headache there are both medicinal and non medicinal ways
  • Medicinal ways:
Medicinal ways include taking painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin etc. One thing to remember about painkillers is that they do not cure your headache. The just provide you a relief from the pain. The reason they have been successfully used is that tension headaches are cured automatically over time. If you not even take the painkillers you will get rid of your headache after some time. Furthermore the use of painkillers should be as limited as possible because they have got their own side-effects. For example overuse of aspirin causes Reyes syndrome which is a potentially fatal disease. In children Reyes syndrome may appear even after one single dose. Similarly overuse of paracetamol causes liver damage.
  • Non-medicinal ways:
Non-medicinal ways are actually comfort measures which can prove really good. Since tension headaches are caused by stress, eye strain, dehydration etc so non-medicinal ways deal with such actions which neutralize the tension and makes you feel comfortable and thus provide relief from the headache. Some of the most common and useful comfort measures include
    • Massage of forehead, neck, shoulder and face.
    • Resting in a quite environment. A darkened quite place is ideal.
    • Getting some fresh air.
    • Eating something if there has been a long time since you ate.
    • Taking some cool fluids if you are feeling warm.
    • Turning down the brightness of your computer screen.
    • If possible, taking a nap.
The best way to cure tension headache:
Though taking painkillers seems to be the easiest and quickest way to get rid of your headache but in the long run it causes many problems because our body gets used to the pain killers and develops resistance to their action and thus larger doses will be required with time due to which side effects will appear. The best way to cure the tension headache is to give your body some time so that it can recover by itself. If possible, take a nap and when you wake up there will be no foot-marks of headache. If taking nap is not possible then the best way is to get yourself something to eat and drink and have some fresh air in a silent environment. You will surely feel good.
Migraine Headache:
If you feel a one sided, mild to severe pain in head and the eye area with blurry vision, dizziness, and numbness of the affected side of the head and the cause seems to be emotional stress, disrupted sleep cycle, head injury, some strong odour, flashing lights etc then you have Migraine headache. It is a bit serious one and if left untreated, can cause severe problems in the future. The treatment of migraine headaches is focused on prevention. To lessen their frequency daily doses of medicines like Topamax, Inderol etc is prescribed. If migraine is not treated seriously in the early stages then it becomes so severe that hospitalization is required where the patient would then be given oxygen treatment along with narcotics and other medications in strict observation.
The best way to cure migraine headaches:
The best and the only way to cure migraine headache is to consult a doctor.
Sinus headache:
If you have common cold and you feel that some pressure is building due to accumulation of mucous in your sinus cavities causing pain in the forehead and around the eyes then you have sinus headache. Sinus headache has generally no serious consequences but it is a sort of alarm to indicate that if the condition remains unsolved for a few weeks then you might have to face some problems like sinus infection etc. The treatment of sinus headache includes decongestants and nasal sprays to relieve pain and pressure. Sinus headaches are easily preventable by just a little bit of care during common cold. The oral liquid intake should be increased during common cold to keep secretions thin. Blowing your nose will also be helpful. Breathing in steamy air also helps to keep your sinus cavities open and thus prevent sinus headaches.
Best way to cure sinus headache:
Since it is quite easy to prevent sinus headache so more attention should be given to prevention. But if unfortunately you catch sinus headache then you should always try to keep your nasal passage open and the headache will go automatically.

Cluster headache:
If you find your head aching after you awake from sleep and the pain feels to be a severe onset of stabbing pain in the head and the eye area then you have cluster headache. Cluster headache is believed to have roots in neurology. Cluster headache is treated medically by the prescription of daily doses of beta-blockers.
Best way to cure cluster headache:
Best way to cure cluster headache is to consult a doctor and take proper medicines.
If you have headache along with other symptoms like nausea, dizziness etc then it is a signal for some other health problem and illness. In such case it is better to consult your doctor instead of doing anything else.

Do you have any query or doubts,want to know that PLEASE ask it or leave your ideas at comment..or Just mail me:

MAil Me::


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